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巴丹血芝Sanguinoderma bataanense

(Murrill) Y. F. Sun & B. K. Cui 2020


  • 通用中文名Chinese name:巴丹血芝
  • 拉丁学名Scientific name:Sanguinoderma bataanense (Murrill) Y. F. Sun & B. K. Cui 2020
  • 科Family:多孔菌科Polyporaceae
  • 属Genus:血芝属Sanguinoderma
  • 分布Distribution:菲律宾吕宋岛,中国海南省
  • 有分布的省区Provinces:海南省
  • 生态Ecology:生于荔枝树树桩或腐木上。
  • 营养类型Nutrition Mode:腐生Saprotrophic
  • 置信指标Confidence:★★★


来源文献:Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Amauroderma s. lat. (Ganodermataceae)




子实体一年生,具柄,软木栓质至硬木栓质 。菌盖单片,近圆形至扇形;菌盖表面光滑,不具漆状光泽,有同心环状沟纹和辐射状皱起,干时暗黄褐色;边缘钝,干燥时呈波浪状和内曲状。菌孔面新鲜时灰白色,受伤时变为血红色随后迅速变暗;菌孔近圆形至不规则状,较大;孔壁全缘;菌管颜色比菌肉暗,硬木质;菌肉暗棕色,具厚的黑色壳层,革质;菌柄侧生,圆柱形,空心,与菌盖表面同色,基部微膨大。


与Sa. sinuosum和Sa. rude较为相似,但前者菌孔呈波状,后者孔壁较薄,显微方面,本种担孢子具疣状隆起的外孢壁,与两者担孢子外孢层的蠕虫状至类网状纹饰有别。


  1. Species diversity, systematic revision and molecular phylogeny of Ganodermataceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with an emphasis on Chinese collections, 2022. Sun Y-F, Xing J-H, He X-L, Wu D-M, Song C-G, Liu S, Vlasák J, Gates G, Gibertoni TB, Cui B-K. Studies in Mycology 101: 287–415    https://doi.org/10.3114/sim.2022.101.05
  2. Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Amauroderma s. lat. (Ganodermataceae), 2020. Sun YF, Costa-Rezende DH, Xing JH, et al.. Persoonia 44: 206–239    
  3. Ganodermataceae of China, 1981. Zhao, J.D., Xu, L.W., and Zhang, X.Q. Science Press, Beijing    
  4. Filling gaps in the phylogeny of Amauroderma s. lat. (Polyporales, Ganodermataceae), 2023. R.S. Peres, F. Bittencourt , G.L. Robledo, E.R. Drechsler-Santos, K.Põldmaa, L. Ryvarden, E. Crespo , D.H. Costa-Rezende. South African Joural of Botany 155: 140-153    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2023.02.018
  5. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Sanguinoderma rugosum complex with descriptions of a new species and a new combination, 2022. Sun Y.F., Fang Y.X., Cui B.K. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:1087212    https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.1087212



描述1 描述来源:Taxonomy and phylogeny of polypores with ganodermatoid basidiospores (Ganodermataceae)
Basidiomata annual, centrally to laterally stipitate, soft to hard corky. Pileus single, suborbicular to flabelliform, up to 6.5 cm diam and 1.6 cm thick. Pileal surface dark brown to ferruginous when dry, dull, glabrous, with obvious concentric furrows and strong radial wrinkles; margin obtuse, entire, wavy and incurved when dry. Pore surface pale white when fresh, colour changing to blood red when bruised, then quickly darkening; pores sinuate, 2–3 per mm; dissepiments thin, entire. Context straw colour to cinnamon, with pale white lines, soft corky, up to 7 mm thick. Tubes cinnamon, woody hard, up to 9 mm long. Stipe concolorous with pileal surface, cylindrical and flexuous, up to 6 cm long and 1.5 cm diam. Hyphal system trimitic; generative hyphae with clamp connections, all hyphae IKI–, CB+; tissues darkening in KOH. Generative hyphae in context colourless, thin-walled, 2–4 μm diam; skeletal hyphae in context pale yellow, thick-walled with a wide to narrow lumen or subsolid, arboriform branched and flexuous, 3–6 μm diam; binding hyphae colourless to pale yellow, subsolid, branched and flexuous, 1–2 μm diam. Generative hyphae in tubes colourless, up to 3 μm diam; skeletal hyphae in tubes colourless to pale yellow, thick-walled with a wide to narrow lumen or subsolid, arboriform branched and flexuous, up to 5 μm diam; binding hyphae in tubes pale yellow, subsolid, branched and flexuous, 1–2 μm diam. Pileal cover composed of clamped generative hyphae, thin- to thick-walled, apical cells clavate, faintly inflated, pale yellowish brown, about 50–70 × 4–6 μm, forming an irregular palisade. Cystidia or cystidioles absent. Basidia barrel-shaped to clavate, colourless, thin-walled, 25–33 × 15–19 μm; basidioles in shape similar to basidia, colourless, thin-walled, 23–28 × 13–16 μm. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, pale yellow to yellowish brown, IKI–, CB+, with double and slightly thick walls, exospore wall smooth, endospore wall with conspicuous spinules, (12.3–)12.5–13.7(–14.3) × 9.1–10.8(–11.1) μm, L = 13.07 μm, W = 10.08 μm, Q = 1.3 (n = 60/1). Under SEM, exospore wall uneven, with distinctly circular hollows, endospore wall with long and thick columnar spinules tightly arranged. Notes — Sanguinoderma sinuosum was collected from Australia. It is characterized by its sinuate pores with thin dissepiments, large and broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid basidiospores. Sanguinoderma sinuosum is similar to S. rude by the dark brown and corky pileus with concentric furrows and radial wrinkles, but S. rude has subcircular pores with slightly thick dissepiments, and smaller basidiospores (9.5–12.5 × 8–10.7 μm) with short and slightly thick columnar endospore spinules (Fig. 8o–p). In the phylogenetic analyses, these two species nested in two lineages with good support (Fig. 1, 2)

库中图片 1 张

来源文献:Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Amauroderma s. lat. (Ganodermataceae)


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2023. 巴丹血芝Sanguinoderma bataanense. 菌物志Mycopedia. http://www.mycopedia.top/result.php?details=Sanguinoderma bataanense
2023. Sanguinoderma bataanense [Chinese]. Mycopedia. http://www.mycopedia.top/result.php?details=Sanguinoderma bataanense